I was reading my favorite financial web site and going over the commentary that followed an article from a favorite author. A civilized but pessimistic investor asked the doomsday scenario questions that dog all of us from time to time; what if American prosperity is at an end, what if there is a depression and no recovery, what if permanent recession is the new normal? Here is a link to the entire article and comment thread-
I just received an options assignment for GE, 200 shares. I'm glad-it looks reasonably valued and they have a projected 10% dividend increase in the immediate future. PE~15, P/B<2, 3.35% dividend, 220B market cap, RSI~35-to me these are good numbers. GE is an industrial that manufactures turbines and jet engines, medical devices and appliances and a conglomerate-they recently acquired Lufkin to increase their oil, energy and drilling services space. GE Capital is their financials which they may spin off. They beat estimates and still took a 4% beating yesterday-ripe for a comeback.
I sold off SPLS and F. I'll re enter on F if it pulls back. Still waiting for ARNA release, using options on ARNA to generate capital. I sold both a call and a put on it-put just expired. Put on XOM expired. CAT looks interesting at ~80.